The Solution For Sugar Cravings & Weight Management

Struggling with sugar cravings can be one of the biggest obstacles in your weight management journey. But what if there is a solution that could help you overcome these cravings and achieve your weight goals? Enter Lazer Dave and his unique approach, which utilizes modern laser therapy and ancient acupuncture methodology.


What Is Laser Therapy For Sugar Carb Cravings & Weight Loss?

Laser therapy to quit sugar and carbohydrate cravings is a safe, painless, and effective treatment for reducing cravings for carbohydrate-rich, processed, and sugary foods. It can help people not only achieve weight-management goals but also enhance general health, and well-being.

Lazer Dave applies gentle laser light (no needles) using sophisticated European low-level laser therapy technology to energy points on the face, ears, hands, and feet to naturally boost endorphins, stimulate metabolism, and break the cycle of cravings for high-glycemic-index foods. The technique is based on medical acupuncture and auricular therapy but requires no use of needles.

Laser therapy is also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT), laser acupuncture, and cold laser therapy.



PLEASE READ these two pages BEFORE contacting us with questions or concerns — thank you!




Check out what Joanne from KANATA says about the LAZER DAVE Advantage.


Lazer Dave – Ottawa’s Laser Therapy Expert

Lazer Dave has 15+ years of clinical experience treating a myriad of health concerns, top-notch European laser therapy equipment, high clinical success rates, health professional educationmedical acupuncture training via McMaster University, and a commitment to continuous learning in the field of laser therapy and photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy.


Benefits Of Laser Therapy For Sugar Cravings & Weight Loss…

Here are the main benefits of using laser therapy for weight loss with Dave Hanemaayer, Certified Laser Therapist, Ottawa:

  • PAINLESS. Only gentle laser light is applied to specific energy points on the head, ears, arms, and legs.
  • NON-INVASIVE. Laser for weight loss is non-invasive and an excellent alternative to surgical procedures to remove unwanted fat or acupuncture needles that pierce the skin.
  • SAFE. Contraindications, minor risks, or potential side effects associated with laser therapy are minimal. Unlike most pharmaceutical solutions and other therapeutic options, laser therapy is non-toxic, non-invasive, and very safe.
  • REDUCES CRAVINGS, BAD MOODS, HEADACHES & MORE. Your desire for tempting and unhealthy sugary food or simple carbohydrates is usually diminished. Results are maximized when clients follow a ketogenic or very low-carbohydrate diet.
  • SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATION. It is becoming increasingly recognized that reducing your sugar intake can reduce the systemic inflammation load in your body. This can help with other health issues you may be dealing with.
  • REDUCES STRESS. Laser therapy usually improves mood and reduces feelings of anxiety, depression, and other negative emotional factors that affect a person’s eating habits. Most leave treatment with a general sense of well-being.
  • MOTIVATION FOR CHANGE. In addition to reducing sugar cravings, many clients often discover they are more motivated to make other positive lifestyle changes like exercising.
  • HIGH SUCCESS RATE. Dave utilizes the LAZER DAVE ADVANTAGE approach, which has a high success rate in helping people with cravings and withdrawal from many different substances, including sugar. Dave has 15+ years of clinical experience using laser therapy in his practice and has completed 1,000s of treatments with successful outcomes.




How Does Laser Therapy Help Me With Sugar Carb Cravings & Weight Management?

Based on the principles of modern medical acupuncture and a scientific approach, Dave utilizes painless, low-intensity laser therapy to stimulate energy points on the head, ear, arms, hands, and lower legs.

The goal of laser treatment for sugar cravings is a strong, natural, and longer-lasting release of neurotransmitters in the brain, such as dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins, versus the destabilizing effects that sugar consumption promotes. This process stimulates the same pleasure centers of the brain as sugar but instead helps break the addiction cycle of cravings and withdrawal from sugar.

Auricular therapy (a.k.a. ear laser acupuncture) is the critical underlying treatment approach largely responsible for the results of the Ottawa Laser Quit Sugar treatment program. Auricular therapy using low-intensity laser allows for efficient and pain-free stimulation of critical energy points of the ear that represent not just the pleasure centers of the brain but also the digestive system (stomach, small and large intestines, etc.). It is theorized that this technique not only helps to decrease your desire for sugar and carbohydrates but also stimulates the metabolism to start burning fat as a fuel source versus storing it.

In addition, emerging scientific evidence supports that low-intensity laser light therapy positively affects the brain’s neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to adapt to all the changes it goes through over the course of a person’s life and is characterized by the variation in the number or nature of the neurons and synapses. This means laser therapy can provide a cognitive boost to help people quit negative habits like the overconsumption of sugar and incorporate more positive behaviors into their lifestyles.

The benefits of increased neurotransmitter release, increased metabolic effects, and neuroplasticity enhancement combined can dramatically boost results related to sugar cravings, weight loss goals, habit changes, and related health concerns.

All these potential benefits are promoted without the potential complications of pharmaceuticals or invasive surgical procedures.


YouTube: Lazer Dave Explains How Laser Helps With Withdrawal



Laser Quit Therapy Guide

FIRST laser treatment to stop smoking

SECOND follow-up treatment within two weeks



  1. Call Kanata Physiocare. 613-254-5639.
  2. Client Profile. Reception will collect basic information to set up a client profile.
  3. First Appointment. All the Ottawa Laser Solution Programs include two treatments. Reception will schedule your first appointment. Dave will recommend when to book your second appointment after your first treatment (usually within two weeks).
  4. Deposit. Reception will request a $50 non-refundable deposit/Prep Guide ebook fee. This can be completed by etransfer to or by credit card. The deposit policy is non-negotiable and guarantees your appointment time.
  5. Prep Guide. Upon booking your first appointment and completing the deposit, reception will email you the Laser Quit Therapy Prep Guide (PDF format). The Prep Guide is an integral part of Dave’s Laser Quit Programs. Dave will assume you have read at least the first two pages before you arrive for your first treatment.

call 613-254-5639

Ottawa Laser Therapy Quit Alcohol Expert Lazer Dave call 613-254-5639.


The Lazer Dave Advantage

Want more proof of why Lazer Dave claims to be Ottawa’s premiere laser therapy expert? It’s because of the Lazer Dave Advantage. Click the Lazer Dave logo below for more information.

About Sugar Withdrawal and Cravings…

According to some doctors and many other health experts, carbohydrates are addictive. Carbohydrates or sugar stimulate your brain’s addiction centers, so you crave more. It may surprise you to learn that heroin, morphine, and sugar all stimulate the same pleasure receptors in your brain.

Moreover, it is becoming more recognized by health professionals that increased sugar intake can promote systemic inflammation in the body – thereby compounding many health issues faced by the Western world like arthritis, fibromyalgia, MS, depression, anxiety, cancer, IBS, and more.

Carbohydrate cravings are a compelling hunger, craving, or desire for simple carbohydrate-rich foods; an escalating, recurring need or drive for starches, snack foods, junk foods, or sweets.

Carbohydrate cravings can be caused by an imbalance or an over-release of the hormone insulin when carbohydrate-rich foods are eaten. Too much insulin can result in an impulse to over-eat, store extra calories as fat, and systemic inflammation.

This is where laser therapy can help. It is theorized that in addition to reducing the intensity of withdrawal and cravings, laser therapy can help “resolve” these ingrained reward pathways for sugar in the brain much faster than expected.


Reduce Sugar Withdrawal Symptoms With Laser


Dave’s Approach To Helping You Quit Sugar Using Laser Therapy…

Most important is your desire to quit. Subsequently, Dave subscribes to a 2 step approach in helping people overcome sugar cravings and withdrawal using laser therapy:



Quitting sugar to aid weight loss begins with a commitment to change. After making your first appointment — you will be emailed the Laser Quit Therapy Prep Guide.

The Prep Guide outlines Key Habit Change suggestions, supplements, and other information that, when combined with laser quit therapy, dramatically increases the chances of quitting sugar for good.

To maximize results, every client should:

A. DRINK plenty of water (6-8 glasses per day)

B. EAT a healthier diet (ketogenic or low carbohydrate)

C. EXERCISE (30 minutes of brisk walking per day)

D. ABSTAIN or reduce consumption of caffeine and alcohol

Consult with your doctor and nutrition professional regarding the recommendations as outlined above.



Use laser therapy to treat various energy points on the face, ears, hands, and feet to help break the physiological cravings for sugar.

Dave uses sophisticated laser therapy equipment from Germany in his treatments.


How Many Treatments Are Included With The Program?

The Ottawa Laser Therapy For Sugar Cravings & Withdrawal To Aid Weight-Loss Program includes two treatments over the course of two weeks. “Booster” treatments are recommended weekly for two to four weeks.


How Do I Know If I Am A Good Candidate For The Kanata Laser Therapy For Sugar & Carb Cravings Program?

Dave’s Laser Therapy For Weight Loss and Sugar Cravings Program is ideal for those who want to start or struggle with maintaining a low-carbohydrate diet. Carbohydrate cravings can derail even the most disciplined people, especially during periods of high stress. This is where Dave can help.


How Many Laser Treatments Does It Take To Reduce Sugar Cravings & Lose Weight?

Due to the unique and individual responses of clients to laser for sugar/carbohydrate cravings and the health status of different people, how people respond to treatment varies, and there is no guarantee of success.

With this being said, Dave uses a similar approach in treating sugar cravings as his extraordinarily successful Laser Quit Smoking Program. The most significant difference between these two laser quit programs is the number and frequency of treatments to promote positive results due to various factors that include:

  • We all must continue to eat for nutrition, and sugar is readily available.
  • Sugar is inherently riskier compared to many other substances to start consuming again despite prolonged periods of abstinence.
  • Sugar is more culturally “acceptable” and utilized to celebrate certain times of the year (i.e., birthdays, Halloween, Christmas season, etc.) versus other substance use habits like smoking cigarettes which is less tolerated.

Dave recommends that clients commit to 4-6 treatments spread out over 4-6 weeks to promote optimal results.


What To Expect On Your First Laser Therapy Treatment for Sugar & Carb Cravings…

When you come for your first laser therapy treatment for sugar and carbohydrate cravings, Dave will explain the procedure and ask you to wear protective eyewear. Multiple laser diodes will be applied to various energy points on the wrist, arm, feet, lower leg, and stomach area. Ear points are stimulated in conjunction to treat sugar/food cravings.

You may feel a slight warm or tingling sensation through your body. As the points are stimulated with the laser light, your body should release endorphins and other powerful neurochemicals that promote a pleasant sense of relaxation.


What To Expect After Your Laser Therapy Treatment For Sugar & Carb Cravings…

After the treatment, you will likely feel relaxed and calm. The goal is to reduce the intensity of cravings for sugar/carbohydrates in combination with lifestyle changes, as detailed in the Laser Quit Therapy Prep Guide. Optimal or satisfactory results are promoted when clients complete 4-6 treatments over six weeks. Some may need more depending on underlying health issues or challenges. Please note results are NOT guaranteed.


How Effective Is Laser Therapy For Sugar/Carb Cravings & Weight Loss?

Despite what the skeptics say, some evidence has been published demonstrating the value of auricular therapy for treating obesity.

One of these studies (Sun & Xu, 1993) treated obesity patients with auricular therapy. The auricular therapy group consisted of 110 patients, and 51 in a control group given an oral
medication for weight control.

The auricular therapy group exhibited an average body weight reduction of 5kg, which was significantly greater than the 2kg reduction in the control group.


Is Laser Therapy Painful?

No. Only gentle laser light is utilized in your treatments. Most patients describe the treatment as extremely relaxing and pleasant. Some people feel no sensations, while others feel light pressure, tingling, or a relaxing “heaviness” in their arms and legs.


Do You Supply A Diet Plan or Nutrition Counselling?

For those seeking weight loss and nutrition counseling, Dave suggests consulting with your family doctor, naturopath, or similar health professional before making any changes.


How Fast Can I Expect Results With Laser Therapy?

Results CANNOT BE GUARANTEED as every individual responds a little differently. However, people who combine a healthy diet with Dave’s treatments usually recognize a reduction in their desire for sugar and carbohydrates within 1-3 treatments. Dave recommends a treatment program of 4-6 treatments spread over six weeks to maximize results.


How Much Does Treatment Cost?

The Kanata Laser Therapy For Weight-Loss Program costs $350 (+ HST). This entitles clients to the initial treatment plus an additional treatment (usable within two weeks of the initial treatment). Subsequent “booster” treatments are $85 (+ HST).

Please note: a $50 deposit is required towards the program’s total cost. You will be asked to make this deposit during registration. The deposit policy is 100% NON-NEGOTIABLE.


Why a $50 Deposit?

Lazer Dave is often asked: “Why do you require a 50% deposit for your laser therapy programs?”.

The short answer is that Lazer Dave is interested in only treating clients who are seriously committed to quitting their cravings. A $50 deposit demonstrates commitment.

Lazer Dave’s deposit policy helps to preserve the high success rates and goodwill he has built up over the years by offering this specialized service.


How Long Are Treatments?

Individual treatment duration is typically 45 minutes for the first time and 30-45 minutes for subsequent treatments.


Who Performs Laser Treatment? How Is Service Billed? What Will My Receipt Display?

1530910 Ontario Limited performs all treatments. Your payment receipt will show the service performed by 1530910 Ontario Limited as “Laser Quit ******* (Your Program/Booster Treatment).” Receipts are as is and not issued in any other format.


Does Dave Discount His Laser Therapy Services?

Lazer Dave competes mainly by service and expertise as Ottawa’s Laser Therapy Expert.

He is proud to offer the greater Ottawa area residents his unique combination of massage therapy training, medical acupuncture from McMaster University, the latest laser therapy research, and years of clinical success. He is one of Canada’s, if not North America’s, leading laser quit therapy addiction experts.

He does offer 10% off for groups of two or more. The discount must be requested before your first appointment (when scheduling) to apply, and it does not apply thereafter.


What Can I Do To Promote Maximum Results For My Treatments?

Dave is most interested in treating clients who take the time to prepare ahead of time, as this maximizes positive outcomes using laser therapy. Dave has made the process of good preparation easy and very clear.

To prepare, please complete the following three steps:

  1. Read the entire webpage for the service you are interested in.
  2. Read the General FAQ page.
  3. Read and institute as many suggestions as possible in the Laser Quit Therapy Prep Guide BEFORE your first treatment.


Can I Consult With Dave?

Lazer Dave asks that you please read this page and the GENERAL FAQ PAGE, as the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) are answered here.

If you still wish to consult with Dave, no problem! Feel free to text him at 613-854-6969 or email him at to request a phone consultation.


About Lazer Dave

Want to know a little more about Lazer Dave and his story?

Check out the “About Lazer Dave” page.





  1. Call Kanata Physiocare. 613-254-5639.
  2. Client Profile. Reception will collect basic information to set up a client profile.
  3. First Appointment. All the Ottawa Laser Solution Programs include two treatments. Reception will schedule your first appointment. Dave will recommend when to book your second appointment after your first treatment (usually within two weeks).
  4. Deposit. Reception will request a $50 non-refundable deposit/Prep Guide ebook fee. This can be completed by etransfer to or by credit card. The deposit policy is non-negotiable and guarantees your appointment time.
  5. Prep Guide. Upon booking your first appointment and completing the deposit, reception will email you the Laser Quit Therapy Prep Guide (PDF format). The Prep Guide is integral to Lazer Dave’s Laser Quit Programs. Dave will assume you have read, at minimum, the first two pages of the Laser Quit Therapy Prep Guide before you arrive for your first treatment.

call 613-254-254-5639

Ottawa Kanata Laser Therapy at Physiocare Call 613-254-5639.


5035 Innovation Dr.

Call 613-254-5639 Text (613) 482-4167


Physiocare Website KANATA



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Serving the laser therapy quit sugar needs of the greater Ottawa area, including Kanata, Nepean, Westboro, Gatineau, Gleeb, Barrhaven, Manotick, Stittsville, Arnprior, Whitelake, Pakenham, Mississippi Mills, Carleton Place, Goulbourn, Carp, Dunrobin, Perth, Smiths Falls, Kingston and surrounding areas.